

Dear All, Antiplagiarism is not working. It analyses the text but it doesn't detect the plagiarism. I think it is due to proxy problem. Official service said me that the problem depends on the high use of software and google limits. But I don't use it often. Today, I use antiplagiarism after several weeks. Bu it is not working.  


Hello, could you please send us the report after the checking ("File / Save report...").  


Can this program be used in different languages? For example: Spanish?

I have a document that I need to review, but its in Spanish. If not, can anyone tell me which antiplagiarism software is best for Spanish documents?  


Yes, you can use our program for checking documents in Spanish.  


How can I buy the full version?  


If you want to purchase the program, please, send a request here:  


$ 20 is one time cost? or for one year? If i purchased it today, next year again we have to purchase it? please reply.  


Yes, $20 is one time cost, next updates are fully free.  


Is this product has one time cost or monthly or annually ????  


$20 is the one time cost, next updates are free.  

09.09.16,Kennedy Bakasa:comment

Thank you, the software was helpful indeed to ensure I edit documents for originality. The only change I might suggest is for editing any type of document and size.  

26.07.16,Gaurav Jain:comment

AntiPlagiarism.NET Review - Best Duplicate Content Checker Tool?
Read more here  


not able to download this software  


Check your SPAM folder. If you have problems with downloading - write here: We'll send you the program.  

23.06.16,rajneesh agrawal:comment

I am facing problem with final report generated by Antiplagiarism software of your.
Kindly correct it and please don't send generic reply  


What is the problem?

You can choose ".html" report format in "File / Save report / Save as type" if you have any problems with default ".docx" format.

".docx" format is supported only if you have Microsoft Word installed on your Windows or Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Packs (it's free)  

03.06.16,ramu gandhamalla:comment

thanks, which has providing this software very much useful for us.  

20.05.16,Wendy Lincoln:comment

One of my colleagues referred me to your app, but it seems like it only runs on Windows.

Is there a version for Mac?  


Wendy, there isn't version for Mac  


The program is good but I have difficult to understand the parameters and the help section is very summarized for example: in general preferences what is the difference between "whole document" and "per 1000 words"? The plagiarism percentage is considerable different when I choose one or other. What happens when the system do the express check? It is also different comparatively to the normal test...


The work is based upon drawing up samples from the checked document, and these samples are being used as a request for search engines (the number of samples can be chosen in "Preferences / General / Basic parameters / Number od samples"). If you chose the option "for the whole document" the number of samples is given for the whole document regardless of its size.
If you chose the option "per 1000 words" the finite number of samples depends upon the size of the checked document.
So if you chose 50 "Number of samples" "per 1000 words" there will be 100 requests for search engines when you check a document containing 2000 words. It is preferable to chose "per 1000 words" option.
The difference between such ways of checking as "Express", "Standart" и "Deep" is the number of samples chosen (that is, the number of search engine requests).
The more samples there are, the more thoroughly the cheking is made - and the longer it takes.
It is preferable to chose "Standart" or "Deep" ways of checking.  

04.05.16,Sangita Jaju:comment

antiplagiarism program help me very well and i appreciate for its checking with no of links and so my final report becomes copy free
thank you  

28.04.16,Mawara Ali:comment

your AntiPlagiarism.NET is going superb but u must provide it for free to those students who are learning and taking huge advantage from it  

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AntiPlagiarism.NET -
Plagiarism Detection Software
List of benefits
  • Accurately determine the percentage of the uniqueness of the text
  • Locate and highlight non-unique snippets of text directly on the restored copy of the webpage
  • Сarry out the batch search of the whole files folder
The free full version is available during a day
  • Check the web pages for uniqueness
  • Look for matches to the stored copies of the search engines
  • Work with proxy lists etc.