
Avoiding Plagiarism Tool and How to Make a Text Original

avoid plagiarism toolThe problem of plagiarism becomes urgent because of the huge amount of information available due to an era of computerization. Students, publishers, content managers steal someone’s thoughts and pretend to be their authors. That’s why the question of avoidance of plagiarism and detection software becomes more popular. Still, machines are not perfect, and unfair writers know how to cope with their algorithms. So what are the techniques to make stolen texts unique?

Five Ways to Overcome Automated Plagiarism Detection

Unethical authors do not care about the reputation, so their aim is not to avoid the plagiarism, but to mask it. Inventing new tricks to avoid plagiarism tool becomes the most important aim for so-called “predatory publishers”. Detecting plagiarism becomes more difficult but still urgent and possible. Here are some crafty plagiarist tricks that are sometimes quite effective while cheating and masking the text originality.

  1. Cheating with letters. Some Cyrillic and Latin characters coincide. For example, such letters as e, a, o, i, p and others look similar and at the same time are considered different symbols. This means that one word becomes another when you replace Latin letter in a word by a Cyrillic symbol. Popular software to avoid plagiarism is free and sometimes even paid services are not perfect. Simple usage of “find and replace” of MSWord tool makes cheating with the text originality even easier. Still some programs are developed to find such words, which are written using letters of different language sets. They highlight them, showing as a mistake.
  2. Cheating with PDF format. There are two layers the PDF document consists of. They are the visual and the text layers. If you use mojibake symbols instead of letters in an unseen layer with the text, your article or paper will immediately raise in originality percentage. But garbage characters are not a perfect solution. The text becomes inconvenient for automated reading, thus Google or other popular search engines will not show this content in a proper keywords search results.
  3. Spacing tricks. In order to avoid repeating words and phrases, the spaces between words are replaced with some symbols from other language symbols set. Then they are made invisible by using white color to make them look like spaces again. So the reader sees a non-original text, while the plagiarism avoiding software cannot detect the cheating. Still some program developers who are aware of such techniques have created algorithms of anti-plagiarism checking that can cope with such a problem. Also, this trick cannot be used with SEO content, because the search engines are not able to see the keywords in such texts.
  4. Translating several times. This way to avoid plagiarism is better than the previous ones but it is still unfair and isn’t perfect. The borrowed text is placed into Google translator window or any other automated translation program and is translated into other languages. For example, from English to Spanish, from Spanish to German, from German to Russian. Finally, after these transformations the last version is translated back to English. It doesn’t guarantee the high uniqueness percentage, and the text has to be checked and corrected carefully.
  5. Replacing some words with their synonyms. While work on avoiding plagiarism software they use mostly the same algorithm. Program compares short parts of the texts with billions of texts from online sources. If you change every third or every forth word by the other one with the same meaning, uniqueness will rise. Authors do it by themselves to avoid wrong words usage or with the help of special avoiding plagiarism software, hinting you which words can be replaced.

All these ways to defeat plagiarism are not perfect and can fool only programs. Such copyright break can be easily found out by a manual check.

How to borrow content but avoid pragiarism

Every our thought is in some way the reflection of what we have heard, read or learned. So preventing plagiarism is explaining something or presenting ideas in original way. If you need to paraphrase someone’s idea and you want to avoid uniqueness software's low score at the same time, you can use such methods:

  1. Rewriting the paragraphs – you need to think of the main idea of the paragraph and tell about it in your own way.
  2. Changing the sentence structure.
  3. Using synonyms and adding unique thoughts.

Why you should use Antiplagiarism.Net to avoid plagiarism?

This free software for plagiarism detection is the one which will bring you the best result giving uniqueness to your article. After using different writing techniques you can check the content again and again, improving the text quality. If the Antiplagiarism.Net shows that your text is unique, any other software can’t find the copy-pasted sentences.

In conclusion we can say that there are lots of techniques to avoid plagiarism. Some of them are better than the others because instead of stealing the ideas they are developed to change the content someway or to add unique thoughts. The other methods are used to fool the imperfect software to avoid plagiarism, and the manipulations with the text change only the format and the symbols used in the text.

 Avoiding plagiarism consists of two principles:

  1. You should think more and provide your own words.
  2. You need to give reference to ideas and quotations and don’t pretend that they are your own thoughts.

Read also: "Plagiarism checker percentage"


03.09.2018 07:03,Abdu:

In conclusion we can say that there are lots of techniques to avoid plagiarism. Some of them are better than the others because instead of stealing the ideas they are developed to change the content someway or to add unique thoughts. The other methods are used to fool the imperfect software to avoid plagiarism, and the manipulations with the text change only the format and the symbols used in the text.

09.17.2018 11:26,Moon:

How can we do it?

10.23.2018 09:28,Einstein:

its works properly, thank you

04.11.2020 11:45,Ravindranath:

need this softwere sir

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AntiPlagiarism.NET -
Plagiarism Detection Software
List of benefits
  • Accurately determine the percentage of the uniqueness of the text
  • Locate and highlight non-unique snippets of text directly on the restored copy of the webpage
  • Сarry out the batch search of the whole files folder
The free full version is available during a day
  • Check the web pages for uniqueness
  • Look for matches to the stored copies of the search engines
  • Work with proxy lists etc.